- dry hole
- сухая скважина; сухой шпур; восстающий шпур; скважина, не дающая промышленного количества нефти
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
dry hole — n. 1. an oil, water, or gas well that is not commercially profitable 2. an unsuccessful attempt to accomplish some objective in business, politics, etc … English World dictionary
dry hole — noun 1. : a hole drilled (as through rock in a quarry) without using water 2. : a well that does not yield oil or gas in commercial quantities called also dry well, duster * * * any well drilled for oil or gas that does not yield enough to be… … Useful english dictionary
Dry Hole — A business venture that ends up being a loss. The buzz word dry hole was originally used in oil exploration to describe a well where no significant reserves of oil were found. This term is now often used to describe any fruitless commercial… … Investment dictionary
Dry-hole clause — A dry hole clause is a provision in an oil or Natural gas lease specifying what a lessee must do to maintain the lease for the remainder of a primary term after drilling a dry hole. Usual the lessee will just have to pay delay rentals. Superior… … Wikipedia
dry hole agreement — A support agreement in which the contributing party agrees to make a cash contribution in exchange for geological or drilling information, if a dry hole is drilled … Black's law dictionary
dry hole clause — A provision in an oil and gas lease specifying what a lessee must do to maintain the lease for the remainder of the primary term after drilling an unproductive well. A dry hole clause is intended to make clear that the lease may be maintained by… … Black's law dictionary
dry hole agreement — A support agreement in which the contributing party agrees to make a cash contribution in exchange for geological or drilling information, if a dry hole is drilled … Black's law dictionary
dry hole clause — A provision in an oil and gas lease specifying what a lessee must do to maintain the lease for the remainder of the primary term after drilling an unproductive well. A dry hole clause is intended to make clear that the lease may be maintained by… … Black's law dictionary
dry hole — noun A hole drilled into the ground for oil or gas exploration which fails to yield enough oil or gas to justify the establishment of a well … Wiktionary
dry hole — A hole not obtaining any production. A non producing well [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
dry hole — noun Date: 1883 a well (as for gas or oil) that proves unproductive … New Collegiate Dictionary